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The Better Boyhoods Blog

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As Written by Equimundo - 05 September 2024

Back to school with GBI

The boys are back in school! And a new school year can feel like it can go in any direction. With boys more likely to be suspended and more likely to report

David Bartlett presenting at WOW Manchester
As Written by David Bartlett, Lifting Limits - 20 June 2024

“Putting it right:" How to raise healthy, connected boys

Let’s talk about boys - the 13-year-old who blows his top because he didn't get the joke, or some kid insulted him. He doesn’t want to seem weak. And maybe he’s

As Written by Equimundo - 14 May 2024

Gender Dictionary: Talking to kids about gender and identity

Are you a parent or teacher wondering how to tackle conversations about gender and identity with young kids? We have put together some definitions for you to

As Written by Equimundo - 14 February 2024

Will you be my valentine? Affirmations for February 14 and beyond

While Valentine’s Day often focuses on romantic relationships, it’s important for the children in our lives – especially boys – to know and hear that we love

movie directors cut
As Written by Equimundo - 02 January 2024

GBI Top Picks: Our Recommended Movies

Are you looking for movies and TV shows to show your children modeling healthy masculinity and gender equality, and that feature positive male role models or

As Written by Equimundo - 13 December 2023

GBI Top Picks: Our Recommended Books

It can be challenging to find informative books for parents about healthy masculinity and gender equality, or age-appropriate stories for children that feature

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